How to build a custom rotating display stand for eyewear
If you're the kind of person who has a great number of eyewear you need to put up on display, then no doubt you're thinking of how to custom rotating display stand for eyewear.
This quick guide should act as a tutorial to help you figure out how to do just that, perhaps more. The only thing you’re going to need (apart from a bunch of equipment, of course) is a little bit of craftsmanship and you’ll be good to go.
What we’re building
To put it all simply, we’re going to build rotating display towers powered by a solar powered battery. Because of it’s weight, it’s going to need a relatively more powerful driver engine to turn the display around automatically.
It serves as a pretty elegant way of displaying the eyewear up at eye level while at the same time making a good use of space.
Things you’re going to need to build the Rotating Display
Before we begin, here the equipment we’re going to use in this tutorial that, if you don’t have, you should probably go out and get. Luckily enough, they’re pretty easy to find at the nearest hardware store.
- Four four-inch flat-bottomed pipe caps
- One lazy susan base
- Scrap wood for the base
- Four-inch PVC pipe
- Screws, drill, paint etc
Step 1
The first step may come a bit of a challenge for most people because it involves a fair amount of math. If you happen to suck at math and have phenomenally good instinct, just go with your instincts.
Step 2
Once you’ve calculated the dead center of the largest circle, use three screws to attach just one of the four inch caps ups down. This should be relatively easy to accomplish.
Repeat the same process with the medium circle. Remember to attach the caps on both the top and bottom sides. Finally, attach one of the caps to the lower side of the smallest circle. The next step is simply a matter of attaching the PVC pipes together, and voila! Your tower is all done.
Installing the lazy susan
The next step is to install the lazy susan, but seeing that it’s also easy enough to do, it shouldn’t give you much trouble. The packaging doesn’t usually bear any instructions, but it’s pretty easy to figure out.
Automating the rotation
For the last part of the project, you’re going to need a solar powered electric motor with a significant amount of power. This should be enough to turn the display. For regulating the speed, you can get a speed regulator off of eBay that has about 6 to 40 volts behind it. However, all this depends on the weight of your stand.
Attach the motor to the base of the platform we built using a drive belt. Ideally, you should be able to fix a rubber wheel onto the spindle. When you’re out doing belt shopping, make sure your get one that’s long enough to go around both the platform’s middle disk and the wheel that’s on the motor.
So now you’re ready to go. It’s a pretty simple, straightforward transport tower. The article should have gotten you through how to custom rotating display stand for eyewear, now all that’s left to do is for you to show off those amazing glasses.
Pro tips:
Some hardware stores usually cut the PVC pipe for you to length. You could also do it yourself using a chop saw. It ends up pretty messy, so be ready to clean up.
Don’t paint the PVC pipe. The parts that you especially shouldn’t paint are the cap and where the cap and pipe are attached to each other. If you’re going to do it, make a very light coating with spray paint such that it’s just enough to make them stick together snugly, otherwise maintenance will be hell.